This image shows a flooded impact crater, several collapse features, and lava flows to the south of Lavinia Planitia in the southern hemisphere. Centered at 60 degrees south latitude, 352 degrees east longitude, the image covers an area of approximately 300 x 500 kilometers (180 x 300 miles). The impact crater is 65 kilometers (39 miles) in diameter and was originally about 500 meters (1300 feet) deep but has been almost completely buried by lava flows, leaving only the rim and the southeastern part of the bright, rough ejecta deposit. Recent lava flows appear as bright or dark regions with sinuous boundaries. Collapse features are linear or sinuous valleys which range from 200 meters (650 feet) to 5 kilometers (3 miles) in width and are up to 100 kilometers (60 miles) long. These valleys may form when subsurface magma drains along tectonic fractures, allowing the overlying surface to collapse.